
Connecting to Google Drive

2023年8月29日 — You can connect to the Google Drive file storage service from the DataSphere interface. Getting started Getting started.

Difference between Google Drive and Yandex Disk

2023年4月5日 — Google Drive and Yandex Disk are both popular cloud storage services with similar basic features. However, Google Drive offers more free storage ...

Google Drive Yandex Disk

Google Drive is a cloud file storage and synchronization service provided by Google. You can store your documents, photos, music, videos, etc. all in one place.

Google Workspace (Google Drive)

Make sure that each employee has enough space on their Yandex Disk to migrate their files from the source server. Go to the Migration tab in the left menu.

Yandex Disk

Once Yandex Disk is activated, you get 5 GB of free storage space. To increase Yandex Disk storage by 200 GB, 1 TB or 3 TB, subscribe to Yandex 360 Premium.

Yandex Disk migration tool

With Cloudsfer Cloud Migration, you can easily transfer and backup your files anywhere (e.g backup Google Drive, backup OneDrive) . Cloudsfer offers cloud data ...

Yandex Disk—file cloud storage

Yandex Disk 是一個方便可靠的雲,用於存儲您的所有照片、視頻和文檔。借助內置的病毒掃描和加密功能,您的文件在Yandex Disk 上是安全的,可以隨時在任何設備上使用。


MultCloud能夠讓您將儲存在Yandex的檔案直接轉存至OneDrive、Amazon、Hidrive、Google Drive、MEGA、Dropbox......等其他雲端硬碟。MultCloud同時也支援備份或 ...

登录到Yandex Disk并开始共享文件-Disk

Yandex Disk支持用于表格和演示文稿的不同格式的文档,您还可以通过将照片和视频分类到不同相册来将它们存储在云中。 通过设置共享,可以与其他用户共享所有文件和文件夹。


2023年8月29日—YoucanconnecttotheGoogleDrivefilestorageservicefromtheDataSphereinterface.GettingstartedGettingstarted.,2023年4月5日—GoogleDriveandYandexDiskarebothpopularcloudstorageserviceswithsimilarbasicfeatures.However,GoogleDriveoffersmorefreestorage ...,GoogleDriveisacloudfilestorageandsynchronizationserviceprovidedbyGoogle.Youcanstoreyourdocuments,photos,music,videos,etc.allinoneplace.,M...